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Operation Christmas Child 圣诞礼物送赠事工
圣诞礼物送赠事工 (11/22)
今年我们儿童部和青少年部将会在11/22周五晚上让PreK-12th年级的孩子们参与一年一度的圣诞礼物送赠事工 (Operation Christmas Child)。这个撒玛利亚基金会(Samaritan Purse) 附属的事工将把装满礼物并精心包装的礼物盒送给世界各地的贫困孩童。透过遍布 100 多个国家的教会,我们教会的孩子们可以参与把上帝的爱和耶稣基督的永恒盼望, 通过这份有形的礼物,向孩童及其家人传递。家长除了可以让自己的孩子参与,也可以另外奉献$15/一盒让更多的孩子能够收到礼盒。除了购买礼物费用,我们也需要家长奉献$10/一盒作为撒玛利亚基金会的礼盒处理,邮费和福音单长的费用。欢迎家长们邀请新朋友的孩子们参加这项有意义的事工。
When: 11/22/2024
Where: Prosper Fellowship Church 丰盛恩友堂
8000 Sanctuary Dr. Frisco, TX 75033
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm (Friday)
Who: PreK – 12th Grade (according to 2024-2025 school year)
Price: $15 per child/teen (close by 10/31)
Offering: $10 per box for shoebox collection, processing, shipping, and Gospel materials.
Here is our Refund Policy 退款政策:
- Full refund if cancel before 10/15/2024 若在10/31/2024 前取消将全款退回
- Half refund if cancel before 10/31/2024 若在10/31/2024 前取消将半款退回
- No refund if cancel after 10/31/2024 若在10/31/2024 后取消将无法退回
Note: Cancellation notice must be sent via the confirmation email received upon your registration to Prosper Fellowship Church by including your child’s full name and grade. 取消信息必须透过注册后收到的电邮回邮通知丰盛恩友堂并附上小孩姓名和班级。
Click HERE or Scan to register today before the spots are taken!